Our Production Process, Sustainability, and Ethics
Did you know that 85% of all textiles produced in the fashion industry end up in landfills? This is due to overproduction, when companies make products without necessarily having customers ready to buy. They keep large inventories and often do not sell all the products they store, so these extra clothing items that are not sold are oftentimes discarded. What's more is that 1 out of 5 clothing items produced will reach the landfill without having been worn once.
To combat this problem, we use an on-demand production model. When you order from our site, our manufacturer immediately and automatically receives the order information and proceeds to make the product within a couple of days. Under normal circumstances, the order is shipped out within a week and usually takes up to another week to arrive at its final destination.
All of our designs are added to our products in either the United States, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Australia, Japan, or Latvia (depending on order's final destination and availability of supplies and materials) and are done so by workers who are paid a fair wage for the country and economy that they live in. You may see on our labels that the materials of some products are sourced in traditionally cheap-labor countries, but this does not mean that the makers are treated and / or compensated unfairly. We have partnered exclusively with manufacturers that are 100% sweatshop- and child-labor-free and which are certified by WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production). This certifies workers are treated ethically and are paid a fair wage.
Furthermore, several apparel brands have been known to steal designs from smaller businesses or from individuals. By 'steal', we mean they do not compensate the original creator and / or use designs that are not licensed to be used for commercial purposes.
We are not one of these companies. All of our designs are either created in-house or they were created by strangers and we have the rights to use the designs commercially.
We appreciate you taking the time to learn more about our company. We encourage you to support Breeze and other companies that source their products ethically. If you have questions, you may always contact us at customersupport@breeze-apparel.com, send us a direct message on social media, or use the FB chat widget at the bottom of the site.